Transforming clinical research: Scaling real-world data across diseases with expert-led AI

The promise of improving patient care and outcomes through RWD has been understood for some time, but overcoming the fragmentation and inaccessibility of disparate data sources across disease states has proven to be a hard challenge across the industry. We’re not learning fast enough— this is where clinical expert-led AI can help.

By using AI to standardize unprecedented volumes of data, uncover clinical details that have previously been hidden in free text notes, and represent full patient journeys in near real-time, researchers can ask and answer complex questions for targeted populations like never before.

During this session, experts from UCB and Truveta will:
  • Examine longitudinal patient journeys on nearly 100 million patients within EHR, SDOH, mortality, and claims data across diseases, drugs, and devices
  • Demonstrate the power of AI-driven extraction of critical information from free text clinical notes that were previously inaccessible
  • Showcase recent research on full patient journey analysis in relatively rare conditions by accessing deep EHR data from multiple care settings and specialties
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Ryan Ahern

Ryan Ahern

Chief Medical Officer, Truveta

Dr. Ryan Ahern is the Chief Medical Officer of Truveta with more than a decade of experience in healthcare data and clinical research. At Truveta, Ryan leads the Life Science Partner team which focuses on developing new partnerships and ensuring those partners are successful in their research. He is currently a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine and practices at Harborview Medical Center, Seattle’s large county hospital. Prior to this, he trained in internal medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital and has served as a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical Center and New York Presbyterian; attending physician at Massachusetts General Hospital and instructor at Harvard Medical School.

Eric McCulley

Eric McCulley

Head of Portfolio Innovation US Immunology, UCB

Eric McCulley leads Digital Innovation and Business Transformation for UCB’s Immunology Patient Value Unit, bringing 25 years of healthcare leadership experience into his role. Eric’s healthcare career began bedside as a registered nurse in cardiac rehab, trauma and the ICU. Leaving clinical practice, Eric spent the next 10 years in the pharma industry, serving three organizations in progressive roles of sales, marketing and operational leadership. Next, Eric reinvented his healthcare career serving Payers in the rapidly growing field of data, analytics and digital applications in population health. A decade later these collective experiences have converged into Eric’s current role where he enjoys orchestrating the intersections between data, analytics, and the digital applications which enable his organization as well as the health care practitioners and patients it serves.

Lish Schilter

Lish Schilter

VP Communications, Truveta