To date, there are no good preclinical models for HPV disease. Dr. Trimble’s lab has developed methods to query the cervical mucosal microenvironment at a molecular level, in very small human tissue specimens. Dr. Trimble’s lab has designed and conducted a series of early phase, investigator-initiated clinical trials testing immunotherapies to treat incipient malignancies caused by HPV. Insights gained from longitudinal subject-matched tissue specimens have informed the design and choice of vaccine for each subsequent clinical trial. Data derived from longitudinal, prospectively-obtained, subject-matched specimens obtained from their protocol participants will be discussed.
Dr. Connie Trimble is a clinician scientist, with expertise in gynecologic pathology, clinical gynecology, and tumor immunology. Her research and patient care focus is on developing therapies to intercept malignancies attributable to human papillomavirus (HPV)./p>
Dr. Patrick Raber is an immunologist with 12 years of research experience and is an expert in the field of immunosequencing. His current role at Adaptive Biotechnologies centers in the incorporation of immunosequencing into translational research and clinical trials for Adaptive’s academic research and biopharmaceutical partners focusing on the key elements of experimental design, data analysis and data interpretation.
Arsalan Arif is a news media entrepreneur who set out in 2015 to build his vision of an independent biotech news company at Endpoints News.